A front-end for Enfuse with multi-core support
by Ingemar Bergmark
A front-end for Enfuse with multi-core support
by Ingemar Bergmark
What is Enfuse / EnfuseGUI?
Enfuse is an Open Source command-line application for creating images with a better dynamic range by blending images with different exposures.
An example of this would be an interior shot of a room where you need one set of exposures for the room itself and another set for the windows to avoid blown-out highlights. Enfuse will then blend these images together and create a final image where everything is properly exposed. Enfuse can also be used for other purposes like night photography and focus stacking.
EnfuseGUI is a front-end for Enfuse, making the process of blending your images easier.
Features of EnfuseGUI
✓Only GUI on the market that exposes all options
✓Multiple processor support for fast processing
✓Fast previews
✓Multi platform (Windows and Mac)
✓Transfers EXIF data to final image
✓Improved Drag-and-Drop interface
Latest version: 3.2
(Windows 10 or later)
(macOS High Sierra or later)
Command line utility
If you’re looking for the Enblend/Enfuse command line utility, head over to the SourceForge project page by clicking here.
© 2008- - Ingemar Bergmark